
Car Accident Claims and Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses. Do not underestimate the lengths to which an insurance company will go to save money. You may have your claims delayed or denied by insurance claims adjusters. If you are having difficulty communicating with an insurance company, you may need to speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer. 


Automobile accident claims can become complex in a short amount of time. Do not attempt to take on every aspect of a personal injury claim by yourself. You will have to acquire medical records, medical bills, and pay stubs. You need these documents to prove your economic damages, such as medical costs and lost wages. 

The personal injury lawyers at Slappey & Sadd, LLC in Atlanta, Georgia, have years of experience representing clients in personal injury actions. Contact Slappey & Sadd, LLC today at 888-474-9616 to learn more about the legal services we offer. 


Claims and Liability Insurance 

Personal injury claims are often paid for by liability insurance. Automobile insurance policies, homeowner’s insurance policies, and other types of insurance policies provide coverage for accidents involving personal injuries. 

Many parties involved in automobile accidents have automobile liability insurance. Injured parties often initiate personal injury claims by filing an insurance claim. Having a personal injury lawyer to help with the filing of the insurance claim can be beneficial. 

Negligence claims can be difficult to understand without a skilled and knowledgeable personal injury lawyer by your side. Individuals who attempt to bring these claims on their own need a thorough understanding of personal injury law and insurance law. 

Injured parties always have the option to retain a personal injury lawyer after suffering injuries during an accident. Insurance companies have lawyers who represent the interests of the insurance company. An experienced personal injury lawyer can make sure that you don’t harm your legal claims by succumbing to delaying tactics used by insurance companies to deny insurance claims. 


Accident Investigations 

An insurance company will conduct a careful investigation of the accident scene and the surrounding environment. If you retain a personal injury lawyer, it is likely your attorney will hire an accident reconstruction expert to determine which party caused the accident that led to your injuries. Expert witnesses are extraordinarily valuable in personal injury cases. 

If you attempt to stand up to an insurance company alone, you may not have the resources to conduct an accident scene investigation. Some accidents involve several cars, trucks, and commercial vehicles. An insurance company will attempt to portray you as an individual who caused the accident and therefore deserve no financial compensation for your injuries. 

Retaining a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer will provide you with the best chance of establishing the liability of the defendant. 



Schedule a Free Consultation with an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Contact Slappey & Sadd, LLC in Atlanta, Georgia, today for a free consultation. We have years of experience helping clients who suffered injuries stand up to insurance companies. Call us today at 888-474-9616 to learn more about the legal services we offer. 

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