Insurance companies are for-profit businesses. Do not underestimate the lengths to which an insurance company will go to save money. You may have your claims delayed or denied by insurance claims adjusters. If you are having difficulty communicating with an insurance company, you may need to speak to an experienced…
Articles Posted in Liability
My Child Was Injured on Someone Else’s Property. Do I Have a Claim?
The average child often lacks the experience and judgment to avoid dangerous situations, especially when unsupervised. However, we have to balance their growth and independence with our desire to keep them safe, which can, unfortunately, lead to accidents. No parent wants to receive the news that their child has been…
Who is at Fault in a Rear-End Car Accident?
Rear-end accidents are among the most common car accident cases we handle. A rear-end collision can result in serious injuries, leaving you unable to work or take care of your family. If you’ve been injured in a rear-end car accident, a Georgia car accident lawyer can determine whether you are…
Common Defenses in Car Accident Cases
Many of the clients we meet with are certain that the accident was the other driver’s fault. As a result, they are shocked when the other driver turns the blame on them or otherwise denies fault. First, it’s important to understand that the other driver has the legal right to…
Injured While Shopping? What You Need to Know About Retail Premises Liability
It’s no secret that Americans love shopping. “Retail therapy” is one of our favorite pastimes. In addition to recreational shopping, how much time do you spend at the hardware store or shopping for groceries? When you add it all up, we spend a lot of our time at retail shopping…
Another Side of Medical Malpractice – Medical Device Liability
When discussing injuries that arise from medical treatment, people typically think in terms of a standard medical malpractice case: the doctor or hospital was negligent in providing care in some way which leads to the patient’s injury. However, even when there are no issues with the treatment received, injuries can…
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Same Injuries, Different Legal Cases
People most are familiar with car accidents, they are fairly common. Accidents involving buses, planes, cabs, trains, Uber or other ride-sharing services are less common and are referred to as “common carrier” accidents. These cases present some unique challenges when compared to accidents involving only personal vehicles. If you’ve…
Common Injuries in Slip and Fall Cases
If you have fallen when you were on someone else’s property and are injured, you could be entitled to ask for compensation for your injuries and other losses. Personal injury attorneys refer to these as “slip and fall cases.” Even though slip and fall cases are less common than cases…
Have you been bitten by a dog?
Dog bites are typically portrayed on tv and in movies as comedic events, but in reality, they are no laughing matter. Not only can you be seriously injured by a dog bite, but getting attacked by a dog is a traumatizing event. If you’ve been bitten by a dog and…
Can Vehicle Owners be Liable for Damages Caused by Their Stolen Vehicles?
Imagine this scenario: You are sitting at the end of a long line of cars at a stoplight, and suddenly, your vehicle is violently struck from behind by a speeding driver who didn’t stop in time. To add insult to injury, the driver speeds off and you couldn’t make out…