
How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

You’ve been injured because someone else was negligent in their responsibilities, and the path forward may look grim. You’re facing increased expenses and decreased earnings, and the thought of also taking on the cost of a personal injury lawyer may feel completely out of reach. While your reaction is natural, the fact is that you can afford to hire an experienced Atlanta personal injury attorney, and doing so can greatly increase your chance of obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled and that you need to pursue a full recovery. 

The Financial Losses Your Face

After being injured by someone else’s negligence, you can expect to face considerable losses, which the law refers to as damages. These can include your medical expenses – both current and ongoing. Consider the following common examples:


  • Emergency care
  • Surgery and aftercare
  • Hospitalization
  • Medical treatment, tests, and procedures
  • Care from doctors, specialists, and other medical professionals
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Pain management
  • Prescription medications
  • Adaptive physical devices
  • Rehabilitation 


Additionally, you may experience a loss in income related to missed hours on the job, and if your ability to perform your job is affected, you could also be looking at a diminished earning potential. When you compound these financial losses with the physical and emotional consequences you are dealing with, it’s no wonder that you’re concerned about the cost of a personal injury lawyer, but there is good news on this front. 

Hiring a Lawyer

Most reputable personal injury Lawyers work on what is known as a contingency basis, and this means that they shoulder the financial risk involved. Your personal injury lawyer will receive a prearranged portion of any gains you realize (whether in the form of a settlement or a court award – if your case goes to trial). This means that, if you receive neither a settlement nor court award, you won’t owe your lawyer anything. Knowing that there is no financial risk to you can help make the decision regarding whether or not to hire a lawyer far less harrowing. And knowing that having an experienced personal injury lawyer in your corner helps to ensure that you’ll receive the compensation to which you are entitled doesn’t hurt either. 

Personal Injury Claims

While personal injury claims come in any number of different forms, two of the primary categories include:


  • Traffic accidents of every kind, such as car, motorcycle, truck, bike, and pedestrian accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents (and other kinds of premises liability accidents, including dog bites)

It’s Time to Consult with an Experienced Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer

The fact is that you can afford a knowledgeable Atlanta personal injury lawyer, and doing so is worth the cost. At Slappy & Sadd, we are committed to harnessing the full force of our impressive skill and legal savvy in our efforts to help clients like you prevail with just compensation, and we’re on your side. To learn more, please reach out by contacting or calling us at 888.474.9616 today.

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