
Georgia Injury Lawyers Blog


Should You See Your Physician after a Car Accident?

Car accidents happen on a daily basis in the Atlanta metro area. While vehicle crashes are certainly capable of causing extremely severe injuries that require emergency medical attention, in most car accident cases, victims are able to walk away without a trip to the ER. This is not to say…


Back to School Safety Checklist

There is no doubt that 2020 has been a year of uncertainties for school-aged children and their parents. With back-to-school dates right around the corner, many families still do not know whether their children will learn virtually from home, attend in-person classes, or a combination of the two. Because Fulton…


Auto Insurance Company Tricks that Can Hurt Your Settlement

Most car accidents are resolved through insurance settlements. That means that if you have recently been hurt in a wreck that was not your fault, there is a good chance that your case will end by negotiating a settlement with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. As a victim, it’s important…


How Much is Your Atlanta Bicycle Accident Case Worth?

Bicycle accidents can leave victims with extremely serious injuries that result in astronomical medical bills and keep them out of work for weeks or months. In addition, victims often experience tremendous physical and emotional pain and suffering as a result of their accident, often long after their initial injuries have…


Are Witnesses Necessary in a Car Accident Claim?

No matter how minor your car accident may seem, it can be the beginning of a long and complex legal matter. One of the key factors in getting a fair settlement or court verdict is being able to back up how the accident unfolded and the damages you are claiming.…


Three Things You Should Know about Georgia’s Dog Bite Laws

Over 63 million households in America own at least one dog, according to the 2019-2020 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA). Dogs are arguably the most beloved pet for many families. They provide companionship, love, security, and sometimes even services to their owners. Unfortunately,…


National Bicycle Safety Month: Safety Tips for Drivers and Cyclists

With 80 million bicyclists on the road with various motorized vehicles, drivers and bicyclists should always follow applicable laws and safety tips for the road. Since May is National Bicycle Safety Month, there has never been a better time to review the steps you can take to keep everyone safe.…


What the Car Insurance Adjuster Does Not Want You to Know

Car accident victims are usually anxious to get their medical bills paid, fix or replace their vehicle, and move on with their lives. Many insurance adjusters will take advantage of this and make a quick and unfair settlement offer. If the goal of the victim is to get their claim…


Social Media and Your Personal Injury: Why You Are Not in Control

Social media has grown to become almost a national pastime. Millions of people use these apps on a daily basis to let others know what is going on in their lives. Although this is usually a positive thing, it can actually be harmful to a plaintiff’s personal injury claim. This…


Can You Receive Compensation for Emotional Distress in a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Motor vehicle accidents leave victims with injuries and scars that impact them for years to come, possibly even the rest of their lives. Many people do not consider that these victims are often left with invisible emotional scars. Sometimes the emotional distress that remains is worse than the physical and…

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