
Watch Out for Drunk Drivers this Thanksgiving Weekend

As Thanksgiving approaches, many of us are looking forward to a long weekend involving rest, relaxation, food, and drink. Unfortunately, sometimes, people drink to excess over the holiday weekend, and Thanksgiving is known as a time when there are more drunk drivers on the road than usual. In fact, the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving has been dubbed “Blackout Wednesday” as it’s consistently among the busiest nights of the year for bars.

While the Coronavirus pandemic may make this Thanksgiving look a bit different than other years, it’s still important to be on guard for drunk drivers on the road. In the unfortunate event that you are injured in an accident this Thanksgiving, be sure to call one of our Atlanta car accident lawyers as soon as you can.

How to Avoid Drunk Drivers this Thanksgiving

While there may be more drunk drivers on the roads this holiday weekend, there are certain steps you can take to avoid getting into an accident with one. These steps include:

Don’t Drink and Drive

Perhaps the simplest way to reduce your risk of getting into an accident with a drunk driver is to stay sober yourself. Drinking can affect your judgment and reaction time even if you are not over the legal limit, potentially making it harder for you to avoid an accident with a drunk driver while you are out and about.

Avoid Areas with Lots of Bars and Restaurants

Another way to avoid drunk drivers is to avoid places that have a high concentration of bars and restaurants. These are the types of establishments where people tend to drink to excess, and it stands to reason that there will be more drunk drivers around them, especially around closing time.

Know How to Spot a Drunk Driver

You should also know how to spot a drunk driver when you’re behind the wheel. Some of the most obvious signs that a driver is impaired include:

  • Weaving
  • Braking for no reason
  • Speeding up and slowing down erratically
  • Improper or illegal turns
  • Driving slower than the flow of traffic
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Aggressive driving
  • Almost hitting other vehicles or objects

If you see another driver that you believe may be intoxicated, stay behind them and put as much space between you and their vehicle as possible. Note the vehicle’s make, model, and license plate number, if possible. When it is safe to do so, pull over and call the local police to report the vehicle.

Call Us Today to Speak with an Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

If you are injured by a drunk driver this holiday season or at any other time, you should call Slappey & Sadd as soon as you can. Our experienced lawyers are committed to helping car accident victims obtain the compensation they deserve under Georgia law. To schedule a free case evaluation with a member of our team, call our office today at 888.474.9616 or contact us online.


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