
Will a Car Accident Lawyer Take My Personal Injury Case?

Many people equate personal injury lawyers with car accident cases and aren’t sure who to contact if they are injured in another kind of accident. Some people, unfortunately, aren’t even sure if they have a legal claim against the party who injured them. As a result, there are many victims who wind up missing out on thousands of dollars in compensation that could help them rebuild their lives. 

If you’re injured and want to understand your rights, contact Slappey & Sadd today by calling 404-255-6677. We help people in the Atlanta area and across the state of Georgia get the compensation they deserve. Initial consultations are always free. 

Personal Injury Lawyers Handle Many Different Kinds of Cases

While it’s true that most personal injury cases involve motor vehicle accidents, there are many different types of personal injury cases. Most personal injury attorneys handle the following types of cases: 

  • Slip and fall cases (also referred to as premises liability cases)
  • Medical malpractice
  • Products liability – injuries arising from unsafe products
  • Construction accidents
  • Nursing home neglect and abuse
  • Dog bite cases

This is not an exhaustive list – there are many other types of cases that personal injury lawyers handle. If you’ve been injured and you think someone else is at fault, it’s worth at least talking to a lawyer to see how they can help. Most lawyers offer a free initial consultation, so you can find out whether you have a claim without going out of pocket. 

The Core Element: Negligence

In almost every personal injury case, your claim depends on proving that the other party was negligent. Negligence is defined as when someone fails to act with “the level of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised under the same circumstances.” In other words, negligence is when someone fails to take reasonable precautions or fails to behave in a way that would prevent reasonably foreseeable harm to others.  

While it may seem obvious to you that the other party was negligent, you will need to prove to the insurance company, and possibly a judge or a jury that the other party was at fault. In order to do this, you will need to understand the law and what facts are relevant to your claim. In addition, the law and the relevant facts will vary according to the type of personal injury case that you have. Some cases can also be incredibly complex, such as medical malpractice or products liability cases. Proving negligence is not easy for non-attorneys to do, and an experienced personal injury attorney can be a tremendous help.

Proving Your Injuries

Another thing that is common in every personal injury case is that you have to prove your injuries and other losses in order to seek compensation. For example, your losses could include the following: 

  • Medical bills 
  • Lost wages
  • Increased transportation costs
  • Pain and suffering

The last item – pain and suffering – can be very difficult for non-lawyers to prove because it is somewhat subjective. However, the fact that it is subjective does not mean that it is without merit. You deserve to be made whole, which means you deserve compensation for all of your losses. 

Injured in an Accident? Call the Georgia Personal Injury Attorneys at Slappey & Sadd

If you’ve been injured, you have rights. Unfortunately, delays and mistakes can jeopardize the compensation you are entitled to. Let us help you – we work with people who have been injured all across the state of Georgia, and have recovered hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation. Call us at 404-255-6677 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys to discuss how we can help you. 

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