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Many A man with a suit hold a piece of paper that says "lawsuit"people think of personal injury attorneys purely in terms of car accident cases. The truth is that a personal injury attorney can help you in any situation where you have been injured through someone else’s fault. Serious injuries can have life-altering consequences. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you protect your future by seeking fair compensation for your injuries and other losses.

Unintentional Torts: Cases Involving Negligence

Personal injury attorneys handle tort cases – cases that involve an action or failure to act that resulted in harm to another person. Tort cases are civil cases, which means that the plaintiff is seeking a money judgment in order to receive compensation for their losses and injuries.

The aftermath of a 3-car accidentModern safety features do a tremendous job of keeping us safe, but car accidents can still result in serious injuries. Some of the most serious injuries you can suffer are to your head, neck, or back. The most important thing you can do is get a thorough medical examination, even if you declined treatment at the scene. Nevertheless, you may want to consider contacting a personal injury attorney if you’re injured and in pain to at least understand your options.

Head Injuries

We’ve come to understand that even minor head injuries can be much more serious than we previously thought with the potential for long-term and even permanent damage. Here are some common head injuries that can result from a car accident:

Time-lapse photo of street at night showing streaks of headlights and taillightsThe title of this post may be stating the obvious, but construction sites do present very real dangers for the public at large. It’s helpful to remember that the construction company has an obligation to maintain the area in order to minimize these hazards to motorists and other passers-by. Unfortunately, lapses occur and injuries happen.

Car Accidents

You may drive through a construction zone every day, perhaps even more than one. Construction on our roads and highways can create a number of hazards for motorists. They can cause accidents involving multiple vehicles, or an accident with just a single vehicle. Here are some of the conditions present in a construction zone that could lead to a car accident:  

A doctor holding a chartWhen someone is injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, they deserve to be made whole. In many accidents, covering the medical bills and lost wages may not be enough – the victim has had their whole life turned upside-down. The victim is entitled to be compensated for their non-economic losses. Damages awarded for pain and suffering are how the law attempts to make victims truly whole.

What are Pain and Suffering?

Damages for pain and suffering fall under the category of general damages since you can’t easily assign a specific value to it. It is an attempt to compensate victims for the physical, emotional, and psychological injuries sustained in an accident.

A man turning out his pocketsIf your injury leaves you unable to work, you will be facing lost income and the possibility that you may not be able to pay your bills. You may therefore be entitled to compensation that includes both your lost income and future income, regardless of whether you are a full-time employee, part-time employee, or work on an hourly or salaried basis.

Basic Lost Wages

For this part of your claim, it’s important to emphasize that you are calculating the income you actually lost. As a result, it’s important to carefully track the exact number of days and hours that you miss work, even if it’s just a couple of hours off to go to a doctor’s appointment. This is a straightforward calculation if you are paid on an hourly basis – you simply multiply the number of hours that you missed by your hourly wage. For salaried employees, the calculation is pretty much the same, but you may have to document your claim a little differently.

A pile of one dollars bills.In every personal injury case, the parties are trying to work out whether or not one party should be held liable for the injuries and losses of the other party. If the other party is found to be at fault for the accident, then the question becomes how the injured party should be made whole. Because you can’t undo the damage that was done, the only viable option is to award monetary compensation to the victim. The amount of compensation that the victim is entitled to receive is referred to as “damages” in the legal context.

If you are injured in an accident and meet with a personal injury attorney, one of the first things your attorney will do is try to estimate the damages that you may be entitled to. A discussion of the components of your claim may be helpful in determining how your attorney calculates this amount.

General vs. Special DamagesThe first thing to understand is the distinction between general damages and special damages.

A doctor sitting at a desk with a patientIn our last post, we covered the basic elements of a medical malpractice claim. We’ll continue that discussion here with some other important considerations that will determine whether you can successfully pursue a claim for medical malpractice.  

The Statute of Limitations

In the state of Georgia, there is a two-year statute of limitations on medical malpractice claims. This means that you cannot file a lawsuit more than two years after the date your injury occurred. No matter how strong your case is, you will not be able to recover compensation for your injuries if you do not file within two years.

A doctor holding a chartWe trust our medical professionals with our health and are often reluctant to believe that something has gone wrong. After all, it’s not uncommon to be in pain or suffer adverse effects following extensive medical treatment. Unfortunately, things do go wrong and accidents happen that could have been prevented. We regularly receive questions from people wondering if something has gone wrong – how do you know if you’re the victim of medical malpractice?

Elements of a Medical Malpractice Case

First, it’s important to understand what you will need to prove in order to prevail in a medical malpractice claim. Legal claims are broken down into “elements” that are the basic requirements to make your claim. The elements of a medical malpractice claim are as follows:

A silhouette on a man bending over holding his back.It’s quite common to hurt your back in an accident. Unfortunately, unless they experience a back injury that requires hospitalization, too many people ignore their back injury and assume that it will get better over time. They subsequently discover, often too late, that their injury is more serious than they thought and will require extensive medical treatment in order to make a full recovery.

Common Causes of Back Injuries

Back injuries can be caused in many different ways and sometimes in ways you wouldn’t expect. We’ve helped thousands of clients recover compensation from back injuries caused by the following accidents:

Red car with dented door and front fenderMany people who get injured in a car accident aren’t eager to sue the at-fault driver. They don’t want to cause financial hardship for someone else, given that it was an accident and not intentional. However, drivers are required to carry insurance precisely so that the victim does not have to bear the financial losses arising from the accident. The other driver’s insurance company should cover the victim’s losses, and in the event of litigation, will provide an attorney to handle the case.

But what if the other driver doesn’t have insurance? These are challenging cases because a lack of insurance often indicates that the other driver doesn’t have any money. Who is going to compensate you for your injuries?

Other Parties May Be Held Liable

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