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Law BooksA personal injury lawsuit can be an overwhelming process. By understanding the process, you will be in a better position to protect your legal rights. Learn more with our guide to the stages of a personal injury lawsuit. For more information, call one of our Atlanta personal injury attorneys today to schedule a free consultation today.

Attorney’s Initial investigations

After you hire an injury lawyer, their first job is to begin investigating your case. They must find all the evidence that supports your claim. This includes physical evidence that proves who was at fault for the accident, as well as evidence of the value of your claim. The value of your claim is determined by the amount of your financial losses (such as medical bills and lost wages) plus the value of your non-economic losses like pain and suffering and lost quality of life. Your attorney also needs to know if there is any evidence that will make it more difficult to prove your claim.

clipboard with checklist attachedMost injury victims do not have experience in handling personal injury claims. Insurance companies know this, and they sometimes take advantage of that fact. Injury victims have the right to hire their own accident lawyers to protect their legal rights. Below are four essential steps to follow when negotiating a personal injury settlement. To learn more, call our office today to speak with a personal injury lawyer in Atlanta.

Do not discuss your case with anyone other than your attorney. 

Anything you say about the accident can be used against you by the insurance company. This includes anything you blurt out in the confusion of the accident scene or say to another driver involved in the accident or even something you later confide to a friend. Only the conversations you have with your attorney are “privileged” (meaning they cannot be used as evidence in court). 

two surgeons in an operating roomSometimes, things just genuinely go wrong. No one made a mistake, and no one is at fault. But, the law says that when things go wrong, someone is at fault most of the time. This is especially true if that someone was a medical professional who owed you a duty to meet a professional standard of care.

What Is a Medical Error?

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a medical error is the failure of a planned action to be completed as planned or the use of the wrong plan to achieve a given aim. These constitute, respectively, errors of execution and errors of planning. Noting that this excludes errors of omission, NCBI proposes an alternative definition with a medical error comprising, essentially, an act of omission or commission in planning or execution that can or does contribute to an unintended medical result.

A modern office conference roomThe Worker’s Compensation system comes out of the historical situation where workers had difficulty successfully suing their employers for workplace injuries. It was a compromise that required employers to carry insurance for injuries to their workers and, in return, limited the ability of employees to sue for on-the-job injuries.

But, there are still times where a worksite injury allows for a lawsuit to recover compensation beyond the medical expenses and lost wages covered by Worker’s Comp.

Injured by a Defective Product

Older man resting his hands on a cane.Abuse in many forms is a common occurrence in nursing homes.  As a child or sibling concerned for the welfare of a loved one in a Georgia nursing home, you should be on the lookout for these signs that abuse may be occurring.  Your loved one has multiple rights under Georgia law.

Poor Hygiene & Unsanitary Conditions

Poor hygiene in nursing homes can be both evidence of neglect and an effect of other abuse.  Most commonly, poor hygiene results where a nursing home has too few staff handling too many residents.  There is no time to assist individual residents in practicing hygiene. In these instances, the bathroom facilities are often equally neglected, making residents reluctant to use them. Sometimes, food prep and common areas are also poorly maintained.  If you see conditions like this or if a previously carefully clean resident becomes unkempt and unclean, you should investigate with staff for possible causes.

School buses picking children upAs families prepare for their children to head back to school in classrooms, often for the first time in a very long time, it’s a good idea to consider some school safety tips to follow.

COVID -19 Tips

As we’ve all learned, formally and informally, over the last year or so, in-person learning really matters. So, finding safe ways to return to the classroom is a high priority for your children. Since children under 12 can’t yet get vaccinated, it’s vital that they follow their state’s mask guidelines. The CDC says that anyone over the age of 2 who isn’t fully vaccinated should wear a mask indoors. Likewise, the CDC recommends at least 3 feet of physical distance between children in classrooms. Work with your children to make sure that they understand how critical it is to follow these rules. Consider getting masks for your children that feature characters, bright colors, or other endearing aspects. Some experts say that masks can upset children, so it’s important for you as a parent to provide reassurance. Finally, if your children feel sick or are exhibiting any symptoms of illness, be sure to keep them home – for their own good and that of their classmates.  

A busy construction siteConstruction is known to be one of the most dangerous occupations.  Unfortunately, some employers tend to prioritize completing projects on time and push workers to complete jobs in a hurry. In many cases, they end up compromising on costs and their workers’ safety.

According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), 20% or 1,061 worker fatalities in the private industry were construction workers. Most accidents result from some form of negligence like unsafe worksite conditions, improper tools, and lack of protection.

Causes of construction accidents

A dog baring its teethAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year in the United States. Dog bites are not only painful but can lead to complications. Thankfully, in many cases, victims are entitled to compensation under Georgia law. If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog, you should call one of our Atlanta dog bite lawyers as soon as possible.

Georgia dog bite laws

In most states, the owner is strictly liable for any injuries inflicted by their animal. However, Georgia is a ‘negligence’ dog bite state, meaning that owners get “one free bite” before they are held liable.

Two young girls swimming in a poolWith summer here and the pandemic seeminly receding, practically everyone is looking forward to spending quality family time with family and friends. This may call for elaborate family vacations or something as simple as barbecues and spending days in the pool. 

There’s no doubt you look forward to the cool pool waters as a respite from the hot weather. However, it’s also important to beware of these swimming pool risks and keep yourself safe. In the unfortuante event that you or your loved one has already suffered injuries in a pool accident, you should call our Atlanta personal injury lawyers today.

Common Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents

A busy construction siteThousands of people are injured at work every year. Despite how common workplace injuries are, many people are confused about their options and where to turn for help. Below, our Atlanta personal injury lawyers answer some of the most commonly asked questions about workplace accidents.

Where do Workplace Accidents Occur?

Workplace accidents can happen anywhere. Of course, some jobs are more dangerous than others, but even office workers or retail employees can be seriously injured on the job.

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