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brain-3168269_1920-300x181While you may think that traumatic brain injuries are all similar, the term actually covers various injuries that cause problems with how the brain works. Depending on the TBI’s severity, it may resolve without any medical intervention or require lifelong treatment. Here are some FAQs about TBIs. 

What Exactly is a Traumatic Brain Injury? 

TBI is basically brain damage due to trauma, like a significant blow to your head. This results in the brain moving forcefully and suddenly inside your skull, causing a primary injury that damages your brain. In turn, this primary injury leads to secondary injuries in the brain’s cells, blood vessels, and chemical signals. Consequently, these secondary injuries cause more destruction and damage to the brain. 

A semi truck on the highwayAlthough driver error or fatigue is the most common cause of truck accidents, some truck accidents also occur due to poor safety inspections and maintenance. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the main goal of regular commercial vehicle inspections is to discover potentially hazardous conditions to avoid accidents, determine mechanical issues, and prevent roadside inspection failure. In the event that you are hurt in an accident with a commercial truck, you should call our Atlanta truck accident lawyers immediately.

The FMCSA Commercial Motor Vehicle Inspection Requirements

All commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) should be inspected based on FMCSA guidelines every 12 months. A qualified inspector with certification or training to maintain and inspect CMVs must conduct the inspection. Take note that CMVs also include every vehicle in combination vehicles. For instance, in full trailer, tractor semitrailer combinations, the full trailer, semitrailer, and tractor (and converter dolly, if applicable) should be inspected annually.

Route 66As the U.S. reopens, the AAA expects roughly 37 million individuals to travel between Thursday and Monday this Memorial Day weekend. This is a massive increase from 2020’s record low travel rate. The AAA also states that this number is a 60% increase from the previous year when only about 20 million people traveled for Memorial Day weekend. Unfortunately, summer travel also means summer car accidents for some people. If you’re hurt in a crash this summer, be sure to call the Atlanta car accident lawyers at Slappey & Sadd immediately.

Most Memorial Day Weekend Travelers are Driving

The majority of travelers, about 34 million, this Memorial Day weekend will take to the road instead of the skies to reach their destinations. Travelers can expect higher gas prices, which are at their highest since 2014. Additionally, although the number of travelers who will be flying, roughly 2.5 million, will still be lower than last year and 2019, this number represents a whopping 577% increase from 2020. 

A man swimming in a pool One of the top causes of unintentional death among kids aged between one and four years old is drowning. In 2017, approximately 163 children below 15 years old drowned and died in swimming pools and spas, based on reports by the USA Swimming Foundation, a campaign partner of Pool Safely. Of the 162 kids, 112  were under five years old.

Although swimming pools and various swimming spots usually offer fun retreats and entertainment from the heat, they could likewise cause severe injuries, and sometimes, even death. Whether it’s diving into shallow water or slipping and falling, swimming pools are among the leading causes of all kinds of accidents and personal injuries. If you or your child is hurt in a pool accident, you should call our personal injury lawyers in Atlanta immediately.

Common Causes of Accidents in Swimming Pools

A graphic of a person's head showing the brain in the skullpproximately 165 people in the U.S. die from traumatic brain injuries or TBIs daily, according to the CDC. TBIs are life-altering for the victims but for their families as well. Some people who survive a TBI will experience a quick and complete recovery. Oftentimes, however, others will need a couple of months or years to heal, and some may not even completely recover. If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI due to another individual’s negligence or intentional actions, you’re entitled to pursue compensation from the liable party for all your current and future losses.

Different Causes of TBIs 

TBIs result from a blow to the head or other serious head injuries. They can occur anywhere, at any age, and from various causes, including the following.  

A smartphone displaying the Uber appAccess to Uber rides is an incredibly convenient, affordable, and easy way to get from one place to another. But if your driver gets into an accident or you get into an accident with an Uber driver, you may have some pressing questions. Here are some FAQs about Uber accidents to help you out. 

What Should I Do After an Uber Accident? 

  • Seek medical treatment right away. If you’re injured, dial 911, call an ambulance, or go to the emergency room as soon as possible to have your injuries diagnosed and treated promptly.

A one dollar billIt shouldn’t be surprising that insurance companies won’t make it easy for you to seek compensation for injuries you suffered in an accident. Keep in mind that for insurance companies, claimants equal financial costs, so they will try to do everything their power to minimize a settlement award. In this light, you should watch out for these underhanded tactics that insurers employ to trick injured victims into accepting lowball settlement offers. 

Downplaying The Seriousness and Extent of Your Injuries 

Sadly, insurance adjusters will try to pass off severe injuries as minor injuries and disabling injuries as non-catastrophic. But you should know that how your injuries are classified would directly affect the amount of compensation you’re entitled to receive, including the long-term compensation for medical care and rehabilitation. By downplaying the seriousness of your injuries, the insurance company may get away with denying you support for all your medical costs and prevent you from obtaining fair compensation and long-term support that you’ll definitely need for your recovery. 

people-2599458_1280-300x200The top contributing factor to vehicle crashes throughout the country is distracted driving. The National Safety Council (NCS) also states that more than 700 individuals still get injured due to distracted driving crashes daily. The main goal of the Distracted Driving Awareness Month is to make everyone realize that driving comes with serious responsibilities that need our undivided attention every single time we get behind the wheel. 

Know The Facts

According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) study, driver inattention can be defined as

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a new device called the Q-Collar. This device could help lower the risk of sustaining traumatic brain injury (TBI)A graphic of a person's head showing the brain in the skull during high-impact sports. It works by securing the neck’s blood vessels to help raise the skull’s blood volume. In turn, this restricts the brain’s movement inside the skull and helps prevent TBI.  In the event that you have already sustained a TBI in an accident, it’s in your best interest to call our law firm to speak to an Atlanta personal injury attorney today.

What Exactly is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

TBI occurs when a jolt, blow, bump, or some other kind of external force results in damage to the brain structure or problems with its functions. Besides functionality issues, you could also experience other kinds of damage, including an imbalance of brain chemicals, seizures, fever, or swelling.

A building under constructionIt’s no secret that construction sites are among the most dangerous working environments. An employer or contractor’s seemingly minor blunder or negligent act could lead to an accident and, in turn, result in injuries or death to one or more individuals. If you work in construction sites, you’re probably well aware of the dangers and risks you’re exposed to at work. With this in mind, it’s crucial to know what to do in the unfortunate event that you experience an accident at a construction site. Here are four things to do following a construction site accident – for more information, call us today to speak with an Atlanta construction site accident lawyer.

1. Get Medical Attention Right Away

The first thing you should do after getting injured at a construction site is to seek medical help as soon as possible. This is very vital even if you think that you only have minor injuries because, in most cases, symptoms of severe injuries may not appear until several hours or even days after an accident. 

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